Thursday, August 18, 2011

Old Post #3

Dating as a single parent can be odd, tricky, and at times downright weird. While we date looking for a companion for ourselves, I think far too many parents miss the important step of considering their child. Even if the child’s other parent is involved in their life the person you date will have some level of influence and affect on your child. Before getting serious with someone each parent needs to sit back and think is that person is a positive influence for their child. Does that man/ woman portray positive characteristics or negative ones? Would he / she teach your child by example how to be a good and decent person? Would this man / woman be willing to support you in your desire to raise a physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually well balanced child? If you are unsure of the answers then proceed with great caution. Children are easily influenced by the people close to them even if they aren’t related to them. So choose your companion carefully…..

Old Post #2

"Have a fun day off," I was told by my daughter's paternal grandmother as I was dropping my daughter off for an overnight visit. I know she meant no harm when she said that, she is one of the sweetest ladies I know. Her words got me to thinking though about the majority of parents. You see I don't see today as a day off, I love Saturdays with my daughter. I want to be at a park with her or playing endless rounds of monopoly. In my perfect world that is what I would be doing. I know time with my daughter is limited as she is getting older every day. I know that in what will seem like a blink of an eye she will be off in college somewhere and I will have lots of "days off." Due to that I try to make the most of every day, every moment that I am blessed with. So to me a "day off" is more like a find something to fill the time day. I know you can say I need to get a life, and I understand. I do have a life. I have a life that my daughter is a part of in every way, and I don't want it to be any different. Once again in several years I will have plenty of me time. My child is not a burden from which I need a break. Is that how the majority of parents see their children? As a tedious job that they get to push off on someone else so they can enjoy themselves? I really don't understand this way of thinking. I mean I have my moments where all I want is thirty seconds so I can pee in peace, but those fleeting moments never add up to needing a whole day off from being a parent. I guess this is just another one of the many ways I think very differently and lack the ability to understand the psyche of the majority.

Old post from years ago

All I could hear was the thumping of my heart. The voice on the phone sounded like that lady from Charlie Brown. My red, steamy hot ears indicated that my blood pressure had soared with the news. I started pacing back and forth like a caged tiger wanting to pounce but utterly unable to do anything but walk. My breathing became irregular as my mind raced a thousand miles an hour. My protective instincts kicked in and I wanted to jump through the phone and attack the guilty party, or just the first person I saw. My daughter was hurt and I was stuck miles away unable to do a darn thing. Helplessness and frustration rolled through me as I trembled, overcome my an incredible wave of mixed emotions. I wanted to punch someone, no I wanted to curl up in a ball and sob. No what I really wanted was to be able to run faster then light, scoop up my daughter and take all of her pain and fear for myself. I am only human so I rushed to the hospital where I waited impatiently like a tiger pacing back and forth, back and forth.