Tuesday, November 17, 2009

There is a police officer who eats at the restaurant and is, well let's just say, very attractive. Like he should be on the cover of a magazine not sitting in a police car watching all the drunk Latinos pour in and out of the local trashy club. A couple of my friends were talking about this hot, hot man and they started gossiping about his girlfriend that he brought a short time ago. They went on and on about how frumpy she was, how unkempt, how she was wearing "lazy" clothes and did not even look like she had brushed her hair. They then went on to tell me how if you are with someone as attractive as he is, then you have to always look perfect. That someone as good looking as the officer needs to be with someone just as good looking. They spoke as if they were disappointed in him, that they had expected more. To me, it made me think better of him. It takes a special person to be both incredibly attractive yet not caught up in their own beauty. Physical beauty is only temporary and is not what forms permanent bonds. We all get old and wrinkly and if we base our relationships on looks alone then we will end up old, miserable, people. I attempted to explain this to my coworkers but they just proceeded to argue with me. I eventually gave up trying to get them to understand my point of view and realized that it was hopeless. I left with a lot less respect for these particular people, yet they will never know it because they are too busy with their lipstick.

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