Thursday, December 10, 2009

Does it exist?

So after years of being single and determined to stay that way, I find myself occasionally longing for a lifetime partner. A best friend, a lover, someone who I knows will always have my back no matter what. Someone who will be faithful mentally, emotionally, and physically for forever. Two forces joined together going in the same direction, picking up each other when the other is weak. The person who I know no matter what the world throws at me will be there to help me keep going. Someone to keep me in check, to inspire me to be more then I am today. Someone to lean on, someone to encourage me. A person who can count on me unconditionally. Does such a thing exist or is it all just a fairy tale?

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Faith is something

"Let's see how many people on FB aren't ashamed to show their freedom from religion and admit that they don't believe in God... We need to get God out of the world... If you are not ashamed, then copy and paste this in your status..."

A friend posted this as their status and as one could imagine it turned into a huge debate. A rather good one I might say as this person apparently has a lot of friends who actually seemed to think and be on different sides of the debates. So it was a very good very interesting one. In the end if you believe in God or not you have to take a leap of faith at some point and time.

I think we should each respect what anyone else believes with respect and tolerance. Openly discuss or debate but not be critical. It is a little hypocritical to say we have the right to say what we believe but this group over there doesn't. And that goes to either side of ... atheist or non atheist. So good for those who aren't ashamed to say how you feel, but to say we need to get God out of the world is like the door to door person who tells you that you have to get God in your life. It is just as judgmental, it is just from the opposite side of the fence. It is faith vs faith. No matter what you believe or don't believe you have to take a leap of faith. Either you have faith that there is a god or you have faith that there isn't one. You have faith that a God created the world oryou have faith that it was just a coincidence. You have faith in what can't be explained or you have faith in what current science is providing you as fact. Science is constantly developing and changing, constantly disproving previous "facts." The truth is each person has to decide what they are going to put their faith in. Yes, it's a thing of faith. Just because science says one thing, and my beliefe say another doesn't mean they can't coexist. I believe that God exists, and he can do anything. I also believe that God is the smartest being ever. Since God is so smart, I believe that he could figure that evolution and the big bang was the most efficient way do things, thus God could have started evolution if that is the way he saw fit. The point is at some time you have to believe in something even if that means choosing to believe in nothing. And that takes a form of faith. We should all learn to respect and not judge whatever form of faith anyone chooses. That is the point. It is wrong to be a judgmental christian or a judge mental atheist. Love and respect is what is needed. "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Wake up sheple!

We as a society have become a bunch of fat, lazy, people who expect everyone else to tell us how to think. We absorb ourselves with celebrity sex scandals and the current popular sitcom. Tell me how this has any permanent impact on our lives. Why do we sit back and let the government do what it wants as long as our daily dose of crap on t.v. is the same? Does anyone know that the Federal Reserve is a private organization? How many people know about the Copenhagen treaty and the affects it would have on each and everyone of us? What about the current health bill? How about cap and trade? Why are we so content to sit around and talk about stuff like John and Kate when there is actually things of substance to discuss? People need to wake up out of their zombie state and DO something. Stop letting the government solve all the problems. They have only created more. Make the "elected" officials responsible for their actions. VOTE! Call your elected senator and tell them how you feel about issues. in order to do that you have to investigate the issues. Don't depend of Fox news or CNN to tell you how to think. They all obviously have their own spin. Educate yourself, motivate yourself, and then motivate those around you. Can you imagine what would get done if everyone took that hour or two a week that they spent watching crap on t.v. and worked on solving a real life problem. What if we all worked on solving the homeless issue? Or what if we all talked about solutions to the health care problem instead of talking about who so and so slept with. What if each of us decided to think for ourselves instead of trusting what society tells us is "normal?" What if instead of putting so much energy into our selfish pointless desire to reach the top of the social network, we used that energy to solve hunger in Africa? Or used energy to help Rwanda recover? Why or why are we so happy to waste our whole lives away on nothing?
Sometimes in life we have to go back to the beginning to get a new perspective, a fresh start if you will. Over time things can become worn, tainted, even downright ugly. It is easy to forget what was ever good, beautiful, right about it. To go back to the start can remind you of the things you always knew but faded away as new fresh violent memories replace the older worn good memories. So go full circle..refresh the beautiful thoughts, remove the violent memories, refocus on the good. Allow healing and cleansing to take place.
There is a police officer who eats at the restaurant and is, well let's just say, very attractive. Like he should be on the cover of a magazine not sitting in a police car watching all the drunk Latinos pour in and out of the local trashy club. A couple of my friends were talking about this hot, hot man and they started gossiping about his girlfriend that he brought a short time ago. They went on and on about how frumpy she was, how unkempt, how she was wearing "lazy" clothes and did not even look like she had brushed her hair. They then went on to tell me how if you are with someone as attractive as he is, then you have to always look perfect. That someone as good looking as the officer needs to be with someone just as good looking. They spoke as if they were disappointed in him, that they had expected more. To me, it made me think better of him. It takes a special person to be both incredibly attractive yet not caught up in their own beauty. Physical beauty is only temporary and is not what forms permanent bonds. We all get old and wrinkly and if we base our relationships on looks alone then we will end up old, miserable, people. I attempted to explain this to my coworkers but they just proceeded to argue with me. I eventually gave up trying to get them to understand my point of view and realized that it was hopeless. I left with a lot less respect for these particular people, yet they will never know it because they are too busy with their lipstick.

do you???

Tell me do you think or do you process? Do you form your own thoughts based on facts that you have researched or do you just regurgitate what other people have told you without actually understanding what you say? How many people are aware of themselves and the lives around them? How many people stupor around doing what they believe society wants from them? Do you gauge your "sanity" and "normality" based on the people around you? Think.....